For example, Coolblue introduced Whatsapp Mobile Number List their Blue Friday, a week before the holiday. At you can shop a different deal every day for a whole week. Not just deals on Black Friday itself for a long time The move to a whole week started a few years ago. More and more retailers are following this Whatsapp Mobile Number List development. Big chains, such as and Coolblue, are the early adopters when it comes to early Black Friday deals. We are also seeing it more and more clearly in the data from Google Trends. When we compare the data for the search term 'Black Friday' over the past three years, we Whatsapp Mobile Number List see a clear difference. We achieved more organic traffic during the orientation phase than on the day itself. Users in the 25-34 age group are best represented in the two peaks.
So they are already looking for the best Whatsapp Mobile Number List deals a week in advance. The survey 'Black Friday in The Netherlands' shows that no less than 55% (!) of the respondents make their purchases in the week prior to this holiday. 54% of respondents prefer to buy the best deals on the day. Respond to the Whatsapp Mobile Number List orientation phase? Announce your deals! For the sake of convenience, we make a distinction between traditional retailers and innovative retailers. The traditional retailers are waiting for Black Friday and put their deals live on Friday morning at 00:00. The potential buyer has one day to shop. But, he has Whatsapp Mobile Number List to be quick, because Gone = Gone.
It sucks if the buyer also has to work Whatsapp Mobile Number List exactly that day. The innovative retailers have noticed that there is room for improvement. To take full advantage of the orientation phase, they announce their deals earlier. Some retailers also offer their deals earlier. This way the potential buyer knows where Whatsapp Mobile Number List the desired product is offered at the best price. After all, for the buyer it is mainly about the best price. Especially if a product is offered at different retailers. Think of a TV, smartphone or tablet. Also read: Black Friday: how to create perfect Google Ads campaigns Benefits to start Whatsapp Mobile Number List your deals earlier Now you may be wondering: what's in it for me? The purchase intention is already very high in the orientation phase.