The Decline Of Western Civilization Part II: Th...
The Decline Of Western Civilization Part II: Th... >>>
Richard Koch and Christ Smith gauge the success and decline of the western civilization through these six principal ideas. We have already examined 4 key ideas in our previous article and here we are going to examine other 2 key ideas. They have argued that the idea of Liberalism, and Individualism also facilitated the rise for the western civilization. They argue that these six principal ideas are the foundation of the western civilization. Yet, it is their contention that these 6 success factors have suffered a century of sustained attack because of this, the western civilization is declining. Richard Koch and Christ Smith claim that the west differs from the rest of the world on the ideas of liberalism and individualism. They strongly believe that these two concepts are special characteristics of the western civilization. In this part of our article, we critically analysis their claim from a religious perspective
Lerner: Yes. And some day America will fall, of course. Civilizations are organisms. The difference between a civilized organism and a human organism is that our lifespan is limited rather strictly, the lifespan of a civilization is not. And sometimes when we think a civilization is in decline, it goes on for centuries and centuries. 59ce067264